Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES [ARTICLE]

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Do not forget th« St Lonis College concert tbis evening. The band will not give a moonlight concert at Emma Sqnare tbis evening. Marshal Hitcbcock has retnrned to tuwn again from another trip to windward. Nearly 5,000 bags of sagar have been broaght to port doring the past forty-eight hoars. The Japanese co!ors no longer doats over ltohan, the ba!liards having parted from age. Mr. C. A. Spreckels retarned again to Honolnlu, yesterday, after an extended trip on Maai. The mail carried by Hio de Janeiro to tho Coast. consisted of 4400 letters and 2766 papers. Tbe Schentzen Club will meet tonight for the discussion of j several special political probelms.! Tbe brigantine W. G. Irwin sailed at 4 p. m for San Francisco with a full load of sugar aud rice. \ 7 Prof. Adelsteiu will give his announced Mandolin musicale, at the Opera House, tomorrow even ing. “QuiH’' objects to any further reference to “Featbers.” The “move” of the “feathers’’ has not beeu discontinued yet. The next steamer due at this port from tbe East is the C. & A. S. S. Warrirnoo from Vancover en roate to Fiji, on July 24th. There is a water famiue reported at Kula Maui. Kalihi people have been reporting water famines every summer for years. The barkentine Planter, Capt. Dow, has arrived back from Lysan island with a load of guauo for the, Hawaiian Fertilizing Co. īt is proposed tbat a battalion dnll takes plaee at Palaee Square this eveniug.Soperiferous Oolonol resigned in time to avoid active duty. The Cost* estate at Kaiualiu, Korth Kona, Hawaii, was offered for sale today, under foreclosure, by J. F. Morgan. It was bid in at $2,200. There werea great/nany opportunities for bargains at the sale of books belonging to the late Dr. Troasseau’s Iibrary, sold to-day by L. J. Levey. • Late Washington dispatches state Commodore Beardshe now on daty at Port Royal S. C. will relieve Adoiiral Walker, in tbe near futare. Among the passengers sailing by tbe W. G. Irwin totbe Coast; this afternoon, are; Mrs. J. W. * Bobertson, Grant L. Williama and S. Thomas. Qaite a large nomber of people were present and enjoyed tbe eoneeii given by the St. Louis college band,at the groands. last Satorday afternoon. H. Boberts was the parchaser (or $300, o( three acres of land situated near the Kamehameha school, sold under foreclosure. by J. F, Morgan today.