Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 Iulai 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Anction Sale ot R ieo I*I»ntatation at Waikiki-kai. In per»a&ncc of in»:nictioD« fr>>m HO Sr\ . of E»j, blinl of Oaba. fL I.. thc m>>r*-»c?. niinol in a Cbatti« Mortcxrv. execat«a bv CHEOSU KIM TAI. »laie>l. October 1«*. and rccorded in Libcr 138, *st_s, 1 «hall *ell to tbe hccbe«t biducn at aaelioa. at mr Salrs R-K>m. H'Hioleīo. obSATTRDaT Use ī>th dav3>f Jq!t. l-’M. at 13 o'eloea 3 . thc foUo«lnjr prbpertT. rU; Thc Kiee PUnīaiioā, known a* «he Kim Tai. lonncriv tbe Yee Hop Co'. P'inu'. tion, at Waikiki-kai, Uonolalu. includin_- x[\ leaee» of Iand» embraced therein. on «hieh are dwelline hon*c, oathoa*e», ihee-’.ūn.; floor aod emiipmenla of a well rondacted rice plantatioo; al»> all the implrmcnta of eoluvation. hor»e», wagon. etc. A scbedulc of the leases and otber ppopertT eoneerned tnar be eeen at the office of C. W. AnHFOKt>. Attomey for Ihe Mortgaucee. Term* of Sale. Ca.<h. Deeds at eepen-- f puckutr L. «J. Levey, Actionecr. i ADH »'ISTR ATO RX XOTlCE. THE UNDERSIGXED having heen dnlv appointed Admioistrator of the Eatate of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae. Haoa, Mani, deceased. wonld 'herewith give notio> to all peiaona haviug aeo >unta against the said estate to prescut them to him, pr.jicrlv sworn to, wilhin six months fn>m iiat.> hereof, or they will be forever barred. Au.l all peraons ownig the soid estate are tv«juested to settle forthwith. M. H. REUTEK. Administrator of the Estate of Pahia Kaloi deceased. Haua, Mani, Jnly 7tb, 1S!M. jy9-lm P01ND MASTERS NOTiCE. Notice is herebv given to all persous. that there is at the Government Ponnd at 5fakiki, one strayed red mare, braud in>liscribable on the right Liud leg, tuil have been shorten and feet are shod. Any person or persous owned this mare are revjneste«l to eome aud take the same on or before the day of aale. 12 o’eloek noon SATCKDAY, JULY 2lth. 1S!M . JAMES KUKON’A. Ponnd Mistef. Makiki, July 9th. 1894. 1-w dly CRITERION 3AL00N, Weiland*Extra«Paie I_.agEr Heep 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jy 14 L. H. I)F)E, Prop’r T(fE MID-QdEAfI POOL and BILLIARD PAHLOH9 H. JUEN' Froprietor Hotel Strect nr*Ar Nuuanu. }y* \ HElV the Hawo Messeoger Semre L. M. Joh.hsox, Maoager MutualTeI39U Bell Tel 559 OFFICE io MA8ONI0 BLTLDING We »re prepared to fnrnish unifonned mnsenecrs al all hoar». Promptness aml satisfaction snarant>-ed. Y»u ring us up and we will do tbe re*t. Hoariy ratca +0 ccnt». For distance ntes *<e Mcswengera Map. jv5 am For Sale! Two fiue> hr«?d Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABOHN LUCE. On Merchant Street. jy 5th. tflCHBfg paVi!ioq • Holel and Beth> 1 8t» Crowded Nightly. Take it in Bors Edi8on’s I>oud Ta!king Phonograph jyll lm J. A. VICT0R, Proprletor Wiag eiian, NO. 2» NUUANU 8TREET. HONOLULU a-n f Tailox A fine n88ortmeut of Aooenieao, English and Scotch Cloths on hand good work and a FlKST CLASS fit guaranteed Ctotheaeaectdo Jk repaired jy71m Tal WoWing Kee Co. » nuuanu STREET Dealers in L*dies’ & Genta’ Boot» «nd Shoes made to order. PO Box387