Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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New York, July 5. The Popolo Komuno sUtes that the authori ities are in possession of proofs of 1 an anarchist plot against Preraier Crispi of Italy, President Carnot of France, the Czar Russia and other heads of European Governmeuts. The same j paper statts that all these were to have beeu killed in tbe same week. Paris, July 5. M. Burdeau was today electetl Presidont of tbe Chamber of Depnties. The ▼ote was: Bordeau, 259; Brisson, i 157; scattering. 33. Hunter’s Quay.(Firth of Clyde) July 5. The regatta of the Mudhook Yacht Club today opened amid a sceno of excitement. whieh was soon intensified by a collision between the Yalk}Tie ! and the Satanita whieh resnlted in tbe sinkingof tbe formeryacht and in serionsly disabling the latter. London. July 5. TheValkyrie I is insored in Lyons for X12.000. When the question of time allow- ! auee has been settled it is expected tbat the Britannia will be shown to have won by tbree and a balf minutes. Yictoria, B C.. July 5. A passenger by the Empress siates that jost before the ship left Tokohama it waa reported that Commander Niico,attache of tbe legation at Jueaehan Corea. and a Japanese newspaper corrospondent who accompanied him on tbe trip had been murdered by Ohineee so!diers. Great excitement was created in Yokohama.