Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — Death of S. N. Castle. [ARTICLE]

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Death of S. N. Castle.

s. N. Castle, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Honolula passed peacefally away this morning, after a sbort illness at bis iesidence on King 1 street. Tbe deceased arrived here : in the forties asbusiness manager I of tbe American mission, and later on witb Amos Cooke.founded the flourishing firm of Castle and Cooke, whieh do business as ' sugar factors. commission agents, and dealers in Hardware, etc. During his long resideuce here, Mr. Castle was always noted for his honesty and independence of opinion, and hewasalways found to the fore whenever any subject of interest to the country was tbe qnestion of the hour. The deceased has raised a prosperous and prominent family, among whom the best-known are his sons William, George and Henry. For several years Mr. S. N. Castle took no active part in the i management of his busiuess, but ; hved a quiet »nd retired life, keeuly following though the events in this his adopted eouutn r . A large number of business houses closed their offices this morning, out of respect for the i deceased. The bereaved famiīy has the sympathy of tbe whole ! country. I i