Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — An Impending War. [ARTICLE]

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An Impending War.

The Corean question threatens to become very serious indeed. The national enmity between Japan and China, is likely to come to a final issue, and if peaceful advice doesn’t prevail a war is unavoidable. The insurrection on Corea has brought the two mammoth powers on the war path, The treaty between them in regard to Corea has been broken, and both are making a most war-like and hostile display. The navies of both countries are built in the height of modern construction, and a sea-battle would furnish a lesson of the greatest advantage to the powers of the earth. It is well understood though that the Japanese are a most superior fighting nation, and that the Chinese would have to depend on their unlimited numerous hordes. There are some possibilities though that the conflict will be settled peacefully, and that the drawing of the sword will be prevented this time. A Russian army is on the frontier of Corea, and the White Czar may probably take a hand in the row. In the meantime the Japanese government have chartered all steamers belonging to the Japanese companies, and no immigration will be allowed until the affairs have been settled.