Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 Iulai 1894 — The Pacific Cable. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Pacific Cable.

The intercoIonial conference l»iiw in session at Ottiiws devoted i several duys to the s»bject of a submarine c«ble from Queenslaud to Canada. and carae to no prac iioal oonoluaion on the matter. The fignres wlneh bave been piven to tbe press imply that the taembers of the conference did ; scvrae pretty Ull guessing. Tbey estiraated the C’8t of the cable , laid on tbe sea bottom at $8,000,000. No estimate of the cost of a cablo frotn Canada to Australia ean possibly be made without a senes of elaborato surveya. The conference might just as well bave figured on eighty as eigbt mīlliona. Nor ia it possible with our present informati>*n to eonjecture tbe cost of mainlenanee j and repairs.