Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES. Riacs:ei% Stevecloi'<‘ am> W recker. E8TIMATE8 AND CONTBACT8 oX ALL KIXPt» OF WOHK. Inquire at Offic- of .T. S Walker. over Spreckcls’ Bank or Wright Bro? Fort Str.*ct.i -W IR-'f F. GEETZ. I1AS RE-«PKXKD HIS Boot & Slioe Store, Oppositc t!i»* Ciub Ptab!e on Fort Strcet. aml will be gljxi to see bis olel friemls. may7-tf. Long Brancli BATH IN G Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlarge<l aml is now open to the public. It is the best plaee on the islands to eujoy a bath aml there is ao better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodatious for Ladies. Traracars pass the door every half hourand on Saturdays and Snndays ever> fifteen minutes. e. J SHERWOOD Proprietor Tel j66. f. O. Bo« 15*WING WO TAI & 00.. No. 1« Nr iw St»eet. H»xor.ii’ H. L. Commision Merchants, -Ixnna.t asv Duuu »— 6encrai Merchandise. Fhh« Maaila l'mn. Chine«e ai»d J»pBaese Crockerr»«re. Halting«. ot ail k(oda, Ouaphoheeou Trnnk». IUtUa Cbdn. A Fine AMortaieot of Dre«« Silk*. Choieest Brands o< Chla««e and J«pUM( T«a« of Late«t /wpte*to« a/ .Vn* 0ood* r**pr't/uUf toiUtd. jolj€.