Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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mqde r n times —“S-!0IA-IP.” Seventeen Bars of the Very Best Quality of SOAP for Sl.25. ' Honest. Weight ” SOFT SOAP, in Tins of Forty-two Pounds. $1.25 Tripln Pr.’S?ed Su*r.ric Wax Minirg C)tndles ; M«nnf»ctvred by the Emery Candle Company of Cindnnitt’, *t Fift«en Ce;it? 'V: V- nd . JtOL F-J CTX1.XJ 9 In Sacks of One i!unclred Pounds. :'t Fifty Cents per &ick. ?5all <■»><*»! le I-A. "W E FIEE "W OOD. .Ten Dollars per C rd, Delivert-d to any House in this City FREE OF CHAR ( »K Mutual Telephone 314. Quart Bottles One Dollar Per Dozen; Hnt Bottles Fifly Cents Per Doz-n. NĪCOL 4.8 EEEHAM. B - thel s Street. Hon«>luhi, H. I.

MACFAKLANE & C0 Dealers in Wines and Spirite Kaahumiea Street, Hoaolnln. H. F. BEETELMANN. OONTKACTOB AN'D BUILDER, 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. H. E. McINTYKE & BRO., Gbocebt, Feed Stobe & Bakery, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolulu F. h. redward, CONTBACTOR asd EUH^EK, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GAS.FnTER DOPPER-SMIT H, House and Ship Job TVork Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolulu. Dr. ATCHERLEY, M. R. C. 8. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) Has remoyed to office PORMERLY occaj»cd by Dr. Foote, Corner of Pr>'CHBOWX, axd Bddaxu Streets. Mnt. 234, B*ll 841. jn29 Im FOR NALE. HOCSE axd LOT AT IWILEI. Hoxoltix. £nqniie on the premisec, or of JOE ds SANTOS, ju29 1* Aboard W. G. UiD, NOTICE. AU persons *re herebr prohibited from tresp«wung or taking »ny thing from the Und of the nndersigned, sitnated at Muolea, Hana, Island of Mani. MAUE MAUNALOA. Ealihinka. Oahn, Jnne 28. 1891. ja2S Im Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-ISLAND PIL0T m Any Port or Landing in the WHawaiian Islands. lnqnire >t oAee of J. S. Waixir orer 8pnokcl'( Baak.