Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 Iulai 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

DAIMPPON Hotel street ( Arlmgton Block.) A aboTe 8tore h** receired motber Spieadid Invoice of « jl APANE5E JSlLK, JjOODS, Per S.S. “China.” —coMi*sxsi>a— BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE, Drew Goods in all shade, plain and fignred. enahiona, Table Cov«s, BedCoTers, Gowns, Chemiaes. Shawls. Silk Crape Kaiahow Silks, AU Colora Fancy Draperies, EIBROIDEEED HAHD :ix 1CHIEFS Doiliies, 6caris, Sashes, Jackete, Capa, £te., Etc. NOVELTIES; !he Prices of these Goods will astonish you including ELEŪANĪ SILK KIM0N08I Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cushions, Silk Tea Cossies, LAKUE AM> S»ALL JAPASESE HLGS 8ilk Dmbrellas, light bnt strong; Chair 8addles, Silk; Bamboo BHnd«, fitted with puUeys; Silk Lamp Shades, new style. JAPANE.SE SCHEEXS, From *3 Ep. lahge japanesr uibrellas Can be Set with Pole In the gronnd, niee for Pienie» or Lnnches out of doors, they ean be opened ont or nsed as a tent. COTTON CRAPES IN GREAT VARĪETY |3TInspection RespectfuUy Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLL 00, Proprietress. Aprl2-3me JUST ARRIVED. q q q BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Hand Sewino MACH1N2S, J3TAU Wiih tbe Latest Impn>Tamente^| PARLOR Orsrans, Guitars Aad|Otber Musioal Instnunente. •• • • Wines, Liquois, Beer ALWAI8 ON HAND. AND FOK &ALE BT ED. H0FF8CHLAEGEK t Cft King St_ oppo, Castle k Cooke*a PAC1FIC 8AL00N, CornerfKing aad Nunann St>ite. EDW. WOLTER... Mw|n. Tbe Fimt ileeōon o i UQUOBSnd BEKR. »$d m tb« lown. Firat-class «tteadttoe. OaU and Jn%i