Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Jadge Whiting has decided that the 'Tiser was ia contempt ; in commenting on the Aldrich ne extat case while the matter was sub judice. The editor-in-cbief is, faowever, cleared of knowleiige of intended puhliea tion and the city editor of the paper will probably be arrested. j Col. Samuel Norris, the defend- • ant in the celebrated case of Emily de Herblay vs Norris, has had judgment rendered against him on bis prayer for injnnction against enforcement of a judgment for $13,850 obtained by plaintitl'. The Supreme Court decides that tbe plaiutiff may now enforce judgment. < Strike Off. The Canadian Pacific RaiIroad Company has decided that it ean ; get along better without Pullman cars than it ean get along withont any cars at all. The Pul!mans i being dropped the strike against ! that road is declared off. |