Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The groands of the St. Lonis College will probably be well filled with the audience expected | to be present at the concert, to be given by the ColIege band at 3 o'eloek this afternoon. Mr. T. W. Rawlins after a long and stubborn contest, has at last obtained adecision whieh permits his case against the Honolnln Soap Works Co., to be remanded to the First Circuit Court for decisiou by a jury. The largest invoice of beer ever imported here arrived this moruing ou the Australia. It was Enterprise beer, whieh the enterprising Jim Dodd entered. The railroads may be tied up in the States, the Paniheon won’t be tied up before 10:30 p. m. Quite a large delegation of friends bade goodbye, last eveniu£r, to Messrr. Samuel Parker O * and H. A. W’idemann and J. A. Cnmrains. prior to their departure, by the steamship Rio Janeiro, for their mission “On to Washington.” It is reported that the mails from here by the Monowni for the East and Europe had to be forwarded by special boat to Port Townsend for transportation over the Canadian Pacific R. R. Co. on accouut cf tbe strike of the Amenean Railroad Union. The Hawaiian contingent, men and women, whieh has been used for show purposes at the Sunset City fair returned home to Honolulu, this morning by tbe Austral ia. The girls say that they have bad a good time,bnt asthey returued in the steerage the pro> spects are thatthey are“busted.” The list of the arrivals by the steamer Australia from San Fran- . cisco this morning is as iollowe: Mesdames L C Ables child and I nurse,C Brenig. J W MCaradaza and maid, C Dole, T S Douglas, Charles Foster, T R Foster, T Kay. Misses G HamiUon, Agnes E Judd, Rita Nolie. Hr and Mrs F A Hosmer, R C Spaolding. | Meean Paul Neomann, Hogh Center, W W Dimond, W £assie, IM Y Holmea, O A Martin, W W j Nott. C A Doyle, J J 8Uter, W ' C Wiider Jr, J T Waterhouae Sr, I Cbarles Tarner.