Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 Iulai 1894 — LOCAL NOTES [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Ent«rprise Beer at tbe Pantbeon āiiloon. Jndge Cooper bas discbarged Mrs. Ernestine Gray from bankrnptcy. Tbe Thistle Club had a “fall house‘’ at their meeting Iast ningTheGovernment band will give an open air concert at Emma Sqnare this afternoon. The traffic in Japanese females, iutroduced by the Christianized Chinese, is increasing in volume. Emma street is being regraded and repaired as is also Nnnaou street from Knkni to School Sts. Baseball this afternoon at 3:30 o’eloek. The Kam’s and the Crescent’s will be the opposing teams. The Pilot’s office is now temporarily, at the Port Surveyor’s office, at tbe Oeeanie S. S. Co’s dock. Examinations in all the Government Schools have ended, and the long vacation is now before teachers aud pnpils. An iuteresting series of events are on the programme to be performed at St. Louis College on Monday evening next. The celebrated Wio’and Lager Beer is for sale at the Criterion, where Larry Dee dispenses two schooners for 25 cts. The Australia arrived on time this moruing, bnt brings neither Easteru mail nor papers; railroad strikes preventing. Admiral Walkar will give a dinner to Minister Willis, on board the Flagship Philadelphia, next Wednesday evening. Do not forget that Prof. Adelsteiu’s mando!in mnsicale will take plaee on next Tuesday evening, at the Opera House. A large and happy party enjoyed a ride over the Oahu Kailroad aud music and moonlight at Reymond Grove, last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auerbnch are receiving congratulations on the addition of a son and heir. Mother and child are doing well. Cabin passengers by the steamer Eio de Janeiro have performed the quarautine duty and bave been pcrmitted to become residents. Jndge Cooper has allowed the bill of exception presented by counsel in the Ben Gallagher case aud a new trial wiil be allowed. , •{ ■#.$ Messrs. Charles B. Dwight and J. F. Bowler are busy laying new sidewalks in ihe Chinese quarter of the city. Mueh needed im-; provements. Grouod has already been bioken by Mr. E.S. Cuhna on the lot adjoiniog Union alley for the (oundatioo for a six atoiy brick building. The merry go roond will not dispenae with its Pullman’a ean.. but Yictor doeeo’t anticipate any. strike. Try • ride and listen to £diaou’s lood talking ielephone. *