Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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A.netion Sale ol Kiee Plantatation at Waikiki-kai. In per»a*n« »f iu«unctioos n10 Sr\ of E«m. IiUnd of Onhn. H. L, tbe in a CUttlr Morte«re, rxevate<l by CHEONT. KIM TAI, d»ted October S4th, 1SK, and r\-cordrd in Liher 139, 257-S, i »hi.U *e:l to the hieheel btddcn »t aa.īion. ,t’mt $«!e» Room. H'-molulo, on SATURDAT tte S>th d«v of Jalx. »t 13 o'eloek aoon, the ft>llo»insr propērty, rii: The Rice Planlauou, known »J the t heong Kim T«i, (ft>rmerty the Yee Hop Co . PUm..lion. «t Waakiki-kai. Honolulu. incladin< «II lea?es of Undj embraced therein, on whieh «re ilwellin* hou~e. outhou#c», thre«hitu: floor »ud c«)tiiptnenla of » well conducted rin planUUon; »l.«o »11 the implemenU 0f coltiT»tion. hor»es. w»gon, etc. A schedule o{ the leases and other propertT concern«d m»T be seen at the olHee of 0. W. AsHroKD. Attornev for tbe Morts»tret. Tcrm* of S*Ie, Cash. Deed« at expen«e of purchaser L. J. Leve.v, Actionerr. AD.tIIXlSTKATOR*« THE UNDERSIGSED baving been dnlv appointed Administrator of the Estate of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae, Hana. Maui. deceased, wonM herewith give notioe to all persons having aeeounu against the said estate to present them to him, properly sworn to, witbiu six months from date hereof, or they will be for»ver barred. And all persons owing the said estate are requested to settle forthwith. M. H. REUTEK. Administrator of the EsUte of Pahia Kaloi deceased. Hana, Maui, July 7thi 1894. jy9-lm P0LND MASTERS NOTiCE. NoUee is hereby given to all persous. that thera is at the Government Ponnd at Makiki, one strayed re<l mare, brand indiscribable on tbe right hind Ieg, tail have been shorten and feet are shod. Any peis*in or persons owned this mare are «quested to eome and take the s«nie on or l>efore the dav of sale, 12 o’eloek noon SATCRDAY, JCLY 21th, 1894 JAMES KCKOXA, Pound M»ster. Makiki, Jaly 9th, 1894. 1-w dly TjiE HID-ūd£A|l POOL and EILLIAEŪ PARLOR8 H. JUEN Proprietor Hotel Street near Nuuaun. Jy« \ NEM/ Ihe Uawn, Messeūffer Service » o L. M. Johxson, Manager Mulual Tel 599 Bell Tel 559 OFFICE in MASOXIC BCILDIXG We arc prepared to furnish nniformed raessengers at aU*honre. Promptness and satisfaction gnaranteed. You ring ns np and we will do the rest. HonrIy rates 40 cents. For distance rate* see Messengers Map. jy5 3m JTor Sale! Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORN LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy 5th. l(id}ng paViIioq Hotel and Bethcl Sts Crowded Xightly. Take it in Boys E»Ii8on’s Loud Talking Phonograph J. A. VICTOR, jyll Im Proprietor CJEIOCK IjOOK, Merchant Tailor, No. 4S Nuuanu St., Honolulu. __ A fine aasortment of American. Englisb aud Pcotch eloUa on baod. Good work aod a Firel<U»s fit guaraoteed Oolhes Cle»n«d and Repaired. Wla* 8las Ohaa, XO. 320 XUCAXC 3TKEET, HOXOLCLC 2v£ercJ3.aj3.t Taalox A fine amonmeni of Amenean, English and Scotch Cloth« on hand gocd work and a F1RST CLASS fit guaranteed C!othe9eaec!an k repaired jy71m Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 3® XCUAXC 8TREET Dealen in Ladies’ Gents’ Boota and Shoea raade to order. P O Box 387 j