Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 162, 13 July 1894 — Unpunished Cruelty. [ARTICLE]
Unpunished Cruelty.
We mentioned a few days ago ' tbe outrage committed on tbe rancb of Mr. Paul Isenberg to a eow belonging to bim by tbe matilation of tbe poor animal’s tongue. Altbough the Marshal of- ; fered a large reward, and Mr. Isenberg was willing to add to it from his own means, no traces bave been found of the perpetra | tor of the vile deed. Wo are sor- ; ry to learn that suspicions point j strongly against a Hawaiian living in tbe neighborhood of Mr. Isenberg. We know tbe Hawaiiaus only as a gentle and goodnatured people, and we are loatb to believe that any man claiming nationality with tbat noble race. eouhl so far forget bimself as to i cut «>tf tbe tongue cf a poor durnb animal, even if he was annoyed bv tbe barmless intrusion of the I • eow. It is a pity tbat the authorities have dropped the matter. A relentles» prosecution shouId have been establisbed, and no stones unturned until the inhuman, brutal scoundrel was ! caugbt and due punisbment metled out t> him. Let us hope that a similar offense will never be committed, nor a similar charge made agaiust a Hawaiian.