Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 162, 13 July 1894 — THE ROYALIST MISSION. [ARTICLE]

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It is a source of satisfaction to tbe countn' to note that the government has foilowed the advice given hy tbe Holomua, and has facilitated tbo departure for Washington of Mesare. Parker, Wid*mann. Cummins, and Seward. Tbe three first named gcntlemeu go forward representiug d:tferent interests, and Major Sew»rd will act as secretary. Mr. I’arker reprosents the Queen nnd the majority of iutelligent llawaiiana Mr. Widemann is looked up to by the numerous foreignere who have stood solid and unflinching with the cause of constitutional government. Mr. Cummins finally represents the ‘other kannkas,” those who, througb their mouth pieee the Ka Leo show tbat tbey know no more uhont politics than do their or«cle« Mr.Bush aud Mr. Nawahi, j and who. insteud of fightiug for their owu rights have preferred to sit on their />oi filled fundament.»l hasis aml wait,like Mieawher. for something to turn up. The raission will, of course, he fruitless. Tbat is, as far as any j ho{>e of Amerioan interference is concerned. But it will have the eflect to satisfy all iutelligent aud honest Hawniiana, whatevor the ! answer may he, und prove, undis putahly to thcm, that they have got to take the destiny of their country in their own hauds, and ; either -well. fight or vote. The • gov<>rnmeut. aud csr>ecially Mr. Haieh, is to he complimented on the conrtesy extend»}d to the eommis$ion. We cannot assign to them any special pure motives. hut we congretulate them for having conquered their individual and moral fear hy al!owing a free e\pression from‘‘the other side.” The geuilemen in quostion will arrive in W.»shington iu ahout two weeks. The rosult of their visit. if telegraphe»i to San Francisoo.should reach us on the Alameda. While Sam goes out shootingduoks with old Grover, and the Judge shows Gresham how to “raise (tax on cards) and John euts ohowder with Brown «nd Schofield, and the Major visitaold friends in street,the atfaire «>{ Hawaii will be progressiug aud we will receive tbe most protnining and most unique reV>orts. But let us have palienee for auother «i\ weeka, aud let us endnre with patience c*f patriot Bush an«l patriot Naw.thi. We hnve tolerate»l so mueh duriug the last year-and-a-half that our patience aud good nature have heeome armor-clad and steel-liued. Saccess to the “Proiesbaot” commission.