Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 162, 13 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hop-Beer .Depot £ MUTUAL T LEPHONE 314. Storeroom, Bethe!-Hall PRICE: $1 ptr Dozon Quart' “ 50 Ci*. “ Pints ]fo \ereMity »o \Vait tl»c -\ext Mleamee for lmporte«l l>rink* wlien Vou C:im «et n Flne 1C’K H°p d B°el'fof 5C. «t Belh.l Hall. DISCOUNTto the THADE IV. BREHAM, GENERAL AGENT Known as the Soft Soap Man; ais<>. dealer ir, C- ijeral Hawaiian and Foreign l’rotinct:* All kinds of S >:»> . M altv at Cheap rates. Highrst cash price pani f*>r Tal ! ow : ki

OCEAN IC Steamship :-:Co Tirae Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Coffee Roasters ANI) Provision Merchants 98lFort Street, - Honolula Families, Plant*tions and Ships snpplied with choicest European &American Groceries CaIi!omia Produce by Ereiy 5Uamer. ■

LOST. A FOX TEKIUER B1TCH. Hnswerin<» to the name cf ‘i*at<;h. A rewaTtl will l>e paid for her recovery nt the Aucbor Saloon, corner of Nunaim and Kiug streets. WM. DAVIES Kiar#er, Stevedoi*( ‘ A.vr. "VV r reckei\ ESTIJIATES AND COVTRACTS 05 ALL KIXDS oF WORK. Inquire at of J. Sf. Walker, over Spreckels’ Bank or Wright Bros Fort Street.| «tec !6-ef C.T. AKANA R]BPcgaqfe TaiIcP } 324 Nouana Street AJI Suits Guarantce(i To Fit aml in the Latest Style. Clothes OleaneU and Repaired. nol7 F.~G-E rtz~ IIAS RE-0PENED HIE Boot & Sh.oe Store, Opposite ttie C!nb Stab!e ob Fort Street. aml wiil be glad to see his olJ friends. may7-tf. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. ThisFirst-classBaihing Resoct bas been enlarged and i« now open to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is mo better plaee to lay ofl. Specia) aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door eveiy haif hour and on Saturdavs and Sundays everj fifteen minutes. e. J SHERWOOD Proprietor.