Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 162, 13 Iulai 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hotel street (Arlington Block») A aboTe 8tore recei»ed motber: 8plendui Invoioe of j!aPANESE jSlLK, -pANCY GoODS, Per S.S. “China.” —oosn'Bisi>G—BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE, Dre*s Goods in all shade, plain and tignred. Cnshioas, Table Covers, Bed Covers, Gowns, Cbenuees, Shawls. Silli Crape Kainhow Silks, All Colors Fancy Draperies, EHBROIDERED HANDKERGHIEFS Doillies, Scarfs, Sashes, Jackets, Caps, £tc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The Pneea of these Goods will astonish you including EIEGANT 8ILK KIM0N08! Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cnshions, Silk Tea Cosaies, LiRGE iSD SMALL JIPiTESE RUGS 8ilk Dnjbrellas, light but strong; Chair Saddlea, Silk; Bamboo Blinda, ti»ed with pulleys; Silk Lamp Shade«, new style. JAPASESE SCKEENS, From *3 I'p. LiRGE JiPiNESE UMBRELLiS Can be Set with Pole in the ground, nioe for Pieniea or Lnnches out of doors, they ean be opened out or used as a tent. COTTON CRAPES IX GREAT VARIETY PP“Inspection Respectfully Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietres$. Aprl2-3ms JUST ARRIVED. q 5 BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, ,PETS \mu IX THE LATEST PATTERNS. ‘SHOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Hakd Sewixo Machixss, ty.AU With the Lateet Improvement8^d PAKLOH Ors:ans, Gruitars And|Other Muaoal Instraments. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWATS ON HAXD. AXD FOB SAL£ BT ED. HOFFSGHLiEGER l Cft King St_ oppo, CUatk k Oooke’a . — PACIFIC SAL00N, Conw*ifKing aad Nunanu Streeta. EDW. WOLTER — Manager. The Fi*a*t aeleeoon of LIQDOB8 and BT*KR, ao1d anywbere in Um town. Fint~daaa «Heiuiane*. CaU and judge far T«n»elf. no80-tf.