Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 162, 13 July 1894 — LOCAL NOIES. [ARTICLE]
P oot Grover! Mr. Hatcb is no longer “honorable.” Paal Neumann is expected tomorrow. Tomorrow the Australia will arrive. The Rio Janeiro leaves this evening at 6 p. m. The band plaj*s at Thomas i>quare to-night. There is a danceat the Remond ! grove this evening. The mail for San Francisco | closed ai -4 p.m. Every room was taken on the Kinau this afternoon. There will be moments when Grover wants to be alone. Tne Kinau carried a large number of passengers. There are plenty of *'feathers‘’ ' left. Very little of the “quill.” — Mr. Jack Low with maid and two ohildren left this afternoon for Hawaii. It is rumored that there will shortly be a change in the editorial chair of the Star. A large number of people listeued to tbe band concert on the Makee Island last evening. Count Bismark, the younger son of the lron Chancellor, is a passeuger on the Rio de Janeiro. Mrs. Dillingham distributed tho prizes at the Royal School yesterday after the closing exer- ‘ cises. Don’t forget the sale of Trosseau’s library uext Monday at Levey’s. The Serpentine club will be there. The Chiaese Y. M. C. A. had there elosing exercises yesterday. The school is in a most praiseworthy condition. The Chinese steamer did not enter the harbor. Freights and passengers were landed at the quarantine station. Messrs. Widem»nn, Parker, Cummins and Seward leave on the Rio Janeiro this evening for San Francisco and M ashington. The concert at St. Louis Col- j lege tomorrow should attract a large audience. The Advertiser ! stated wrongly that the concert toos plaee this afternoon. — “Jack” Atkinson left for the voicano today. He got so disgusted because he didn t hear from the Philadelphia boat-men, tbat be couldn’t stay —and then | that nose:! Among the passengers on the Rio Janeiro are Dr. and Mrs. Wesselboeft. The lady is a sister j to Mr. W. F. Alleu. and it is the intention of the Doctor and his wife to spend some timesin these sunny isles. It is unfortuuate that a forced visit to the quarantine station is thefirst experience of the esteemed visitors.