Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 162, 13 Iulai 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ADnmSTRiTORX SftH€E. THE UNDEBSMNKD h*ving bwn duir »-,'poict«ii Adunnt.tmUir of th<* E»:ate 0 f F\HIA KAXOI k. o( Mokne, Huia, M»ni. J*ct«9ed. voold herewith gire cotuv to »]) persoas h*Ting *ce'QHli «gaiost the s«i<J est»te to pres*?nt ihem to him. properlT svorn to. vithiu sii months from ( i»te heieof, or th«y viū be forerer barred. Aud all peraons oving the s*id estate *re reoaested to settle forthvith. M. H. RErTF,R, Administrator of Lhe F.st«te of Pihh Knloi dt?<vase»I. H*na, Maui. Jnly 7th. IS94. jr9-lm POl r ND MASTER*S NOTICE. Notioe is hereby given to «II p«rsons. th*t there is at the Govemment Ponnd *t M«kiki, one strayed red m*re. br«nd indischb*ble on the right hind Ieg, t*il h*ve been shorten «nd feet are shod. Any person or persons ovned this marv are reqneeted to eome *nd t*ke the s*me on or before the dav of s.de. 12 o’eloek noon SATURDAY. JULY 21 th, IS!U james kukona, Ponnd M««ter. Makiki, Juiy 9th. 1SM. 1-w dly Ip. HID-ūCEAfl POOL and BILLIARD PAHLOH8 H. JUEX Proprietor HoteI Street near Nunann. Jy8 \ NEIA/ the Hawn Messeūser Serviee o L. M. Johnson, Manager Mulual Tel 599 Bell Tel 559 OFFICE in MASONIC BOILDING We are prepared to furnish uniformed m.’sscngers at «11 honrs. Promptness and satisfaction gnaranteed. Ton ring us np and ve will do the rest. Hourlv rates +9 cents. For distance rates sce Messengers Map, jy5 :!m JF"or Sale! Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORX LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy 5th. VldTDl$ pavilioq līolel and Bethel St» Crowded Nigbtly. Take it in Boys Edigon’8 Loud Tulking Phonograph J. A. VICTOR, jyll Im Proprietor Mowal Tel, 266. P. O. Box ijS. WING WO TAI & CO., No. j; Neeam Strket, Honollxu. H. I., Commision Merchants, —lMPORTERS ASD DeaLEK4 IX— General Merchandise. Fine Manila Cigar8, Chincse and Japanese Crockervware. M*ftings, V ases of »11 kinds, Campborvood Trunks, Rattan Ch*Ir«. A Fine A«sortment of Dres» Silks. Choieest Brands of Chinese and Japanese Teas of Latest lmportations Ingpertion of .Wie Goodt rttpteifuUy »oliU.d. july€. CJHOCK LOOK, Mercbant Tai!or, No. 48 Nuuanu St., Honolulu . A fine as*ortment of Amenean. Enelieh and Scotcb cloths on bami Good work and a FIr»t-clas* flt ruaranteed. Clothes Clean«d and Repaired. ftil£ Chan, NO. 330 NUUANU 8TREET. HONOLULU 3^£eic23.aa3Lt Tailox A fine »8sortment of Amenean, English and Scotch Cloths on ! hand good work and a F1RST CLASS fit guaranteed C(otheeeaec!dn <fc repaired jy7lm Tal Wo Wing Kee Co. 36 NUUANU STRKET Dealers in Ladies’ & Gonts’ Boots and Shoes made to order. PO Box3(R jj9