Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 161, 12 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hotel street (Arliagton Block.) — A »boTe Store luts receiTeti aiiother i Splecdid IaTO.ce ol j!apanese jpANCY PoODS, Pcr S.S. “China.” —COMF»ISDiG—BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE, Drem Goods in all sh*de, pl&in and tignred. Cnshion», Table Cover8, Bed Cotcts, Oown*. Chemises, Shawls. Silk Crape Haioliow Silks, AU Colors Fanov Draperies, EHBSOIDEEED HAHDKEECHIEFS Doillies, Soarfs, Sashes, Jaoketa, Caj)6, £to., Etc. NOVELTIES; Tbe Prices of these Goods will astonish yon inctadiag ELEOANĪ S)LK KIM0N08! Handaome Cigaretto Cases, Pin Cnshions, Silk Tea Co8sies, LAKUE AM) SM1LL JAPAH£SE RCGS 8ilk Dmbrellas, light bnt strong; Chair 8addles, Silk; Bamboo Blinds, fitted with pulleys; Silk Lamp Shades, new style. JAPANE.SE SCREE.NS, From $3 l'p. LAK(īF JAPA.\ESE l'jlBKL'LLAS Can be Set with Pole (n the gronnd, nioe for Picnics or Lunches out of doors, they ean be opened uut or nsed as a tent. COTTON CRAPES 1N GREAT VARIETY Bespectfally Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3ms JUST ARRIVED, 5 5 55 BABY ■ CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, D nt\ IS THE LATEST rATTERNS “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Haxd Sewisg Macuinss, ty.Ul Wilh the Latest IaiproTcmen$s"^3 PAELOK Ors:ans, Gaitarc And|Other Mcsical Imtmmen$.-, Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWA¥8 ON HASD. AXD FO£ 8AL2 B¥ ED. H0FF8CHUEGER L 00. King St.. C istle A Cooke*« PACIRC 8AL00N. ComerfKing and Nnnann Streets. EDW. WOLTER—Hanager. Tbe Fine»i «eleeoon o i LIQUOBS and prgR. ,old anywhe:> in tbe town-Fint-d«M atterdeacr, CaU «nd jadge ior yx> umU. ®WL