Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 161, 12 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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TVbere are tbe Healaois? Tbe Aikoku Maru left for Japan tbis morning. Band concert to night at Makee Island. The conncils met this afternoon. Closing exereises at St. Louis college next Monday and Taesday. The Mystic Lodge, Knights of Pythias, held an installation serTices last night, followed by a banquet. All the goA'ernment schools will have closed tomorrow for the long vacation. The Kio Janeiro is coming in as we go to press. She will probably not leave before tomorrow morning. When *‘Feathers’ and quills get together there is generally a “ hard” feeling. This doesn’t apply to any loeal “quill.” Mr. W. II. Holmes, who arrived at Hilo recently, has left the islands again with his family on the Lurline. He didn’t find the promised boom. The Makiki residents eomplain of frequent burglaries aud un- j lawful entries in their houses Yagrants and prowlers, especial- \ ly' Chinese, are infesting the neighborhood. The dinner giveu at the Hotel j last Tuesday was not given by Admiral Walker as stated in this morniug’s Advertiser, but by Minister Willis. The Admiral was among the guests. " ” A sailor on board H. B. M. S. Champion met with a serions aecideut yesterday. He fell from : the main top, struck the rigging and fell into the sea. He was taken to the hospital where his . injuries were attended to. A nnmber of seats have been takeu for Prof. Adelsteiu’s man- ! dolin musicale on next Tuesday. Those who desire to enjoy a truly musical enteitainment should i order tickets at onee from L. J. Levev. — It is nnderstood that Mr. Sev- j erance will vacate his otfice as secretary of the Board of Educa- ‘ tion at the end of this monih and : that his plaee will be takeu by Mr. Scott lately a school-teacher I at Waianae. The following persons have been elected officers of the Myrtle j Boat Club: Fresident, A. G. M. Robertson; Vico-President, A. M. Brown; Secretary, W. W. Harris; Treasurer. W. C. Parke; Auditor, W. H. Wright; Captain, Alex. Lyle; Trustees, A. W. Carter. H. A. Giles and Cbarles Crane. A moat invigorating and re fpeshing bever»ge in this wann weatber is Hop beer. It has the merit of being non-inebriating, and consequently meets the approva! of the “republicans” represented by ihe Star editor. It haa also the merit of costing only five cents a bottle, a fact not to be sneezed at in these hard time. See the advertisement.