Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 161, 12 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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AD7113iISTR4roR*S A*OTlC'E. THE L XPERSIONED S*c lalr arpoinwd Adajinistrator of te Es:»:<> St PAHIA E-VLOI k. of MoUe, lana. Maul tie<x*aed, wouM htrcw.th pr*> otii-e to »11 peno&ā haring *«vqcU ainiin tbe »id «t«t« to pnwenl them to hin. pr.'[rriy s«um to, wiliun «x month$ ruta Ut > bereoL or they wiU be forerer haunl. c d sl! persocs owtng the s*id esta* *re reqaestetl to «eule furthwitb. M. H. RELT:k, Admini$tntor of the EeUt« ct Pahi* Kak'i deceased. Hana. ilam. July 7th, 13t*4. jyVIm POLND MASTER> NUTICE. Xotice U hereby giren to »11 perK>tu$. fc.\t there 13 at the Goremment Ponnd it A*. kiki. one streyed red aw, brend in«is. cribab!e on the right hind leg. tail h»v been shorten «nd feet *re shod. Any person or persoas ovned thh mare are reqnested to oome and take the same on or before the dav of sale. 12 o’eloek noon SATCRDAY. jrLY 2Ilh, 1S!H JAMES KL'KONA. Ponnd M*ster. Makiki. Jnly 9th. 1$S>4. 1-w dly TJlE MID-DdEAfJ POOĪ. and BILLIARD PAKLOKā H. JUEN Propnetor Hotel Stn*ct near Nunann. jy* \ HEW the Haw'n ikeiw Semte o L. M. Johnson, Manager Mutual Tel 5'.*9 Bell Tel 559 OFFICE in MASONIC BU1LDING We arc prcpared to fumish nniformed m.-s sengers at al! honrs. Promptne«s ami satisfaction cuarenteed. Tou rin< us np aml we will do the rest. Honrly rates 40 cents. For distance rates see Messengers Map. jv5 Sm F or Sale! Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CH£STEK. Apply to SEAB0KX LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy 5th. VlCT0I$ paVi!ioq Hotel and Bethel Sts Crowded Nightly. Take it in Boys Edison’s Loud Talking Phonograph J. A. VICTOR, jyll lm Proprietor Mtrrv*L Tel. j66. P. O. Box 158. WING WO TAI & CO., No. sj Nova.voStrext, Honolvlv, H. I., Commision Merchants, —Ijcportehs asd De.vlek.-i ix—6eneral Merchandise. Fine Manila C’urer«. Chine«e and - Japanese Crockerrware, Matting», V»ēef> ot all Kinds, Campburwood Trunk*. Rattan Cbalrs. A Finc Aseortment of Drcss Silks, Cboieest Brands of Chioese »nd Japanesc Tew of Latest lmportations In*ptrtion of .Vetc Ooo>i» rr*ptrtfuUy mliUd. jnly«. CHOCS I^OOK, Merebant Tailor, No. 48 Nueuanu St., Honolulu. A fine a*sortraent of Amenean, Englwb and Scotch cloth« on hand. Good, work and a Flrst-class flt gnaraoteed. Clotbes CIeaned and Repa:rrd. Wi ng 8ing Chan* NO. 330 NUUANl* STREET, HONOLULU Tsiilor A fine »9sortment of American, Engiish and Bcotch Cloths on hand gocd work and a F1RST CLASS fit guaranteed Ciotheseaec!<in & repaired jy71m Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 36 NUL ANL 9TREET Dealera in Ladies’ & Genta* Boots and Sboee made to order. PO »oxW7 jy9