Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 161, 12 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Mandoiin Musicale GIVES BY Mr. SAMCEL ADELSTEIN Solo Mandolinist and Lut«ist at the H iwaiiau Opera House, Tue?day EVBū’g, JaiiJ17 ASSĪ5TED BY M;s» Kate McGrew, Soprano and Violin Mrs. W. I. Wanriner. ContraIto Mr. WilL H. Hoogs, Tenor Miss Nettie Burhans. Piano Miss M. Patj, Violin Mr. Geo. Pari», Flute Mr. Wray T»ylor, Cello Box pUn at L. 4. Lerr; Bcgniv pnon.