Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 161, 12 July 1894 — Another Event. [ARTICLE]

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Another Event.

On the llth of August, there will be a grand bicycle race in Kapiolani l J ark. The race is beiug arranged by the agent of the CIeveland Bicycle and there will be seven iuteresting events. The programme will be pnblished shortly, and it is to be hoped that all the riders of the lightning wheels will take a hand -or a foot in the race. Tommy, get ’ your maehine healed! London, June 28. Henri Rochefort, in an interview today, said that he considered the ! ehoiee of Casimir Perier for President to be the worst possible. The new President would ! try to rovive the personal government of the late Marshal McMahon, aud, like the latter,would have to surrender or resign. Rochefort said: “His Presidency means civil war. He woulel seek tbe allianee of Germany in order j to sell the farmers his eoal, as he is the chief stockholder in the ' Anzien mine, the richest in France. He has already announced his inienlion of dissolving the Chamber, and it will t not be long before a condict occurs ”