Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 161, 12 Iulai 1894 — An Interesting Volume. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

An Interesting Volume.

— The Hawaiian Gazette Com- ; pany has issued the convention proceedings, and the constitation i of the republic in pamphlet form. The pamphlel is gotten up in a very neat manner, aud will undoubtedly be iu demand by evervbodv who is interested in Hawaii. A “screaming’'“spread‘ ; rooster adorns the cover. and a i half tone pictnre of Mr. Pole introduces the report of the wise words of tbe delegates and the j constitution in its present if not ; iinal form. The compiler deI serves great credit for the care with whieh the pamphlel has | been gotten up. For sale at the Advertiser olhee and r.t the book stores.