Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 Iulai 1894 — He Is A Cad. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

He Is A Cad.

It is very rarely, tbat we take auytbing written bv tbe Slnreditor au serieux, bnt be is lately inakiug himself obnoxious in a ' , manner that is deserving of notice. The insnlting l«ngunge i used by him against the Qneen, J is unbecoming any mun, not to j say any geutleman. Note these | expressions, picked from half a eolumn editorials in last night’s Star. “Savage royalty,” “the foolish savage,’' “tbe serai-savage bead-chopper.” The editor who uses such langnago againt the Queen, has lived here sufficiently Iong to know, tbat he by no means is picturing the Queen by bis stigmas and inuendoes. He is married into a Hawaiiau family, wbo often bas received tbe hoe* pita!ity of the “savage’’ andbeen pleased to be in attendance on tbe“head-chopper.” By contin- j uiug hiscourse, fhe editor doesn’t dc his paper any good. and be ' proves bims«lf a consumate cad. j