Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 July 1894 — Cruelty And Vandalism. [ARTICLE]

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Cruelty And Vandalism.

, If tbis is going to be a eommunity of bood!ums and brutes the quicker we know it the better. Tbe mutilation of cow,belonging to Paul Iseuberg, by cutting the tongue of the auimal bas filled all decent people witb horror and disgust. Tbe vandalism . committed on Consul Schmidt’s premises on Mount Tantalns hag created a jnst indignation. It is time sucb tbings were stopped, and we sincerely hope that tbe poliee will ferret out tbe culprits. Tbe only adequate punishment for j sncb off*enses is tbe whipping post, aud it would perhaps be a wise step to iutroduce tbat remedy ag>kiust all offenses emanating from brutality, cruelty and wanton misbief.