Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hotel atreet (Arlington Block-) A »boTe Store h*s reoeiTe<l another Splendid o( jbILK, j-ANCY pOODS, Per S.S. “China.” —OOMPKLSlNG—BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE, Drw Goods in all sh*de, pUin and fignred. Cashions, Table CoTers, BedCorers, Gowns, Chemises, Shawls. Si Gnpe Haiolww Silks, All Colors Fancy Draperies, EBBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS Doillies, Scarfs, Sashes, Jacket8, Caps, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The Prioeso( tbeee Goods will astonish yon inclnding ELEOaNĪ S)LK KIM0N08! Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cnshions, SUk Tea Cossies, L1RGE AXD SM1LL JlPlXESE RLGS Silk Umbrellas, light but strong; Chair Saddlea, Silk; Bamlx>o Blinds, fitted with pnlleys; 6ilk Lamp Shades, new style. JAPA NBSB SCKEEX9, From $3 l'p. L1RGE JlPlXESF UMRRELLAS Can be Set with Pole In the gronnd, niee (or Picnics or Lnnches ont of doors, they ean be opened ont or naed as a teut. COTTON CRAPES 1N GREAT VARIETY tyinapection Respect(ully Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3tnB JUST ARRIVED. 9 9 3 BABY - CARRiAGES OF ALL STYLES, ;TS, I l I IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Ha.\d Sewing MaCBLX2S, X3T AU Wiih the Latest Improrements^Ē) PARLOR Ors:ans, Gruitars Aad|Other Mnsical Instrnments. • • • \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 ON HAND. AND FOR SALE BY ED. HOrrSCBUEGEK l C0. King St.. oppo. C*stle k Cook«*« PACIFIC 8AL00N, Cornet|Sing and Knnann Stx«eta. 1 EDW. WOLTER—Maaag«r. The Fin«et wleeaon o( LIQUOBS and EEEK, aobi anywhrre in the town, Fir»t-claa» attesdence. Oall and jndg* for 70UMtf- ao 9G-tf.