Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 Iulai 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mandolin Musicale GIVEN BY Hr. 8AMUĒL ADELSTE1N Solo Mandolinist and Luteist at the Hiwaiian Opera Houee, 1 EVen’g, JnliJ 17 ASSISTED BY Miss Kate McGrew. Soprano and Violin Mrs. \V T . I. Warriner. Contralto Mr. Will. H. Hoogs, Tenor Miea Nettie Burhans. Piano Miss M. Paty, Violin Mr. Geo. Parie, Flute Mr. Wray Taylor, Cello Box }Uan at L. J. Levy; Regnlar prices. jy9tod Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 36 NUUANU STREET Dealers in Ladies’ & Gents’ Boots and Shoee made to order. p o Box 267 jy« paVilioq Hotel and Bethel St* Crowded Nightly. Take it in Boys Edison*s Loud Talking Phonograph J. A. VICTOR, jy 11 Im Proprletor T{lE MID-ŪdEAtI POOL and BILLIARD PAKLOK8 H. JUEN Proprietor Hotel Street ne*r Nananu. jT« \ NEW DEfAf(TUl(E the Haw ū Messeoger Ser\ice L. M. Johnson, Manager Matu*l Tel 5SO Bell Tel 559 OFTICE in MASONIC BUTLDING We aie prep«red to furnl»h unlfonned mtsseneer* »t »11 bour». Proinptne»« nnd »ti»- : £tctton ru»r»nteed You nni n» up »nd w« wlll do the K«t H«urly mle» W oenU. For dUUnce r»te* aee Mc»sen«r* M»p. jy5 .Por Sale! Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORN LUCE, On Merchant Stre*t. jy 5th. Faris, June 17. Tho gieatest race in tbe French sporting world, the Grand Prix de Paris, was ron today at Long-champs. Ik was won by Dolma Bagktche, Matchbox second and Mansoor third.