Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUCE CARTWRiOHT Husiness of a Fiduciary N«tcre Tr»nsact«d. Prompt attendon giren to the management oi Eetates, Gnaitliaoships, Trus£s, etc., etc., etc. Ojfioea, : Cct.iicri[jht BniUiin<j, Merchant Street. Honolnln H. L()SE, Notary I^uhlie. Collector and General Business Agent. Patentee of Lose’s Chemical Compocnd for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Agent for several of (he Best FIRE INSURANCE COS. Mulual ’l'elephone a. P. O. Box .133. Merchaut street, Honolnln. FAT BOY." BAY 8AL00N I P. McIXERNT, Fropriftor, Fine Liquors, Wines anei Beer. CoKm Bbthel axd Hotu Sts. LEWI3 & eo. Wholesale and Retaii Gro axd PKOYISION DEALPRS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICB By Every 8&n Franoisco Steamer. Salt Salmon ix Barrels a Specialty. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P O. Box 297. Anchor-;-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREOERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On draught and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California 0YSTERS, EOH COCKTAILS mayl 3ms CALIF0RN1A Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF WINE8, and SPIHITS A£erch.ant Exchange Caraer King ana Nnuann Stxcets. S. L 8BA3V....M»it»ger. Tbe Fbett Kke&a of LIQUORS and HEKk, «oki anrwbcre io the lom. First-dasa attend*noe. Call and jndgs bayomtU. ao 1I3-4L