Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 Iulai 1894 — HAWAII'S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]
CONSTITUTION and LAWS Framed by the Missionaries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. If any man aid a person whom the police officer attempts to apprehend, his fine shall be ten dollars for his opposition to this officer, and if the criminal actually escape in consequence of his aid, he shall be fined again, at the discretion of the judges, but not to a higher amount than would have been paid by the criminal, whom he rescued. But if the police officer be wounded by him he shall be fined again, as all men are who commit assaults. The police officers shall be paid for their services in the following manner: If a police officer seize a man for crime and he be tried and convicted, then one fourfh part of the fine shall go to the police officer. The same also shall be the reward of all men. Whoever has knowledge of a crime and enters a complaint to the judges, shall receive one fourth of the fine. This law shall go into operation on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord 1841, in all places on these Islands. This law was passed at a council of the Nobles held at Lahaina, Maui, and received our signatures this tenth day of November, in the year of our Lord 1840. (Signed) KAMEHAMEHA III KEKAULUOHI. CHAPTER VI. QUARANTINE LAWS. Whereas, it has been clearly ascertained that the small pox has prevailed on board of one or more ships now cruising in the Pacific Oeean, which may be expected to visit the Sandwich Islands, and whereas that disease is understood to prevail at the present time in ports on the western coast of America, frequently visited by ships on their way to the Sandwich Islands; therefore, Be it enacted by the Kings and Nobles of the Sandwich Islands in council assembled, 1. That after the promulgation of this law, all canoes and boats, and all persons not authorized by the Board of Health, are prohibited from visiting any foreign ships whosoever, until they shall have been examined by a Health Officer, or one of the Board of Health, as hereafter named and pronounced healthy. And whosoever shall visit any ship contrary to this law shall forfeit forty dollars, to be paid one half to the government and the other half to the person who shall give information of thesame. 2. All vessels having the small pox or any other contagious disease on board, and all vessels having had any contagious disease on board within a period less than four months, are hereby prohibited from anchorage at any port, harbor or roadstead of the Sandwich Islands, until visited by a Health Officer or by one of the Board of Health, and having received his approbation. And any master or officer of any such vessel, who shall land or permit to be landed any person or persons affected with a contagious disease or any article containing such contagion, shall, on being duly convicted thereof, be fined not more than one thousand dolIars, or be imprisoned one year. 3. All vessels having had contagious diseases on board as above, on arrival at the Sandwich Islands, or at any port thereof, shall be entirely at the direction of the Board of Health, for a period not more than forty-two days. And all vessels in quarantine, or laid under restrictions as above, a yellow flag at the main top. And whosoever shall go on board any vessel thus put under the yellow flag shall forfeit forty dollars, and shall be entirely at the direction of the Board of Health for a term not longer than forty-two days.
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