Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 July 1894 — A Good Exhibition. [ARTICLE]

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A Good Exhibition.

Cfosing exercises were held this morning at Ewa scbool of whieh Mr. J. W. Smith is the principal, V. Kapnie assistant. About 70 children frequent the ' school whieh as a whole eompares favorable with any school in the city. The children appeared neat and attentive, and were well prepared and not easily puzzled. As a speciality tbe singing ean be mentioned. It was Tery good indeed. The voices were sweet, clear and well trained, and better modulated i than any church choir in Honolulu. The thorough obedience to signs proves that the teacher fully understands his business and works in harmony with the pupils.Map drawing from memory was another feature of the exercises and demandedtbe admiration of tbe audience. Tbe schooI and teachers deserve a gre»t deal of credit. The great future of Ewa with its nnmerous residents will make the school very prominent and tbe Board of Education is to be congratulated on having the services of so ablo a man as Mr. J. W. Smitb has proved himself ; to be. —