Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Tbe Kmau arrived this morn* ingOolonel AshforJ left for Maui yesterdav. Commodore Beok!ey reports “no news” from windward. The S. C. Allen arrived last nigbt, bnt brongbt no'newa of special interest. Invitations nre ont to a dinner party to be given next week by Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Irwin. — Marsbal Hithcock left yesterday on an official trip to Hawaii and Mani. I An engagement between the People’s Party and Editor Jobnstone is reported. The Captain of tbe f ‘Daisy Bells,” Eddy Neumann, looks now like a “business man.” Mr. and Mrs. Brenbam arrived j on the S. C. Allen, and were welcomed by tbeir numerous friends in Houolulu. Mr. E. C. Macfarlane returned on tbe Kinau from tbe Volcano, and reports Pele in full blast and tbe hotel in good shape. Minister Tbnrstou did not return today from bis ardent duties at tbe Yolcano. He will be here in time to draw bis salary. Tbe “Protestants” ought to imitate Billy Cunuingbam's oysters. Tbey sbut up and get into ’ a cocktail. — Tbe liio Janeiro is yet out of 1 sigbt. There are prospects that she may not touch here at all, or has boen quarantine at Yoko- j hama. Messrs. Dole, W. E. Castle and | other higb and mighty and great men, were admiring their own pictures iu Soper’s window this morning. Nobody else admire them. C A. Spreckels, Rudolf Spreckels, B. J. Hoffacker and Dr. Eiger left for Spreckelsville yesterday. Dr. Eiger is a prominent chamist i» the employ of the 3preckels’. Mr. Dole’s constitution is now for sale at the Advtrliser office. | Eveiybody knowing anybody in any civilized country sbould send a copy and show what a Hawaiian “republic” is like. Minister Willia entertained a uumber of gentiemen at dinnerat the Hawaiian Holel tast evening. Among tbe guests were Admiral Walker, Mr. Wm. G. Irwin, Mr. Samuel Parker and Captain Kooke. A commotion was created last ev«ning on the Pbi!adelphia on accoont of certain bugle calls, whieh emanated frpm the S. C. Allen as she eame into port. A boat w»9 lowered. but the regulation eall proved to be a joke of some clever cornet player. A higb mass was heid tbis morning at tbe Notre Dame de la Paix in memoriam of the assassinated President of France,Sadi Camot A very large nnmber of people attended, among whom were noticed members of the diplomaiie corps and officers from the wankipe.