Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Mnvu T«x- afe. f- O- Box 15*. WING WO TAI 4 CO., No. »j Xcusir5mrr H«snrvr H. I-. Commision Merchants, - —— —IXFORTULS Dcale&* IX— Generai Merchandise. Finr M«atU Oc»r». Chīn«e M*d J*5»n«we Crock«nrw*re. Mallinn, ‘ o» »11 kīods, C«b phorwooJ Trnnk«, R»;ua Ch*lr». A Floe .\siortmcnt >>f !>»>■«' Silk«, Choi*c~t Br*nd« of Ciinrji! »nd J*5«mr«e T««sof Latosl laporlntions i l%tptctk>n o/ Snc 0<*x0 rt*pe*t/nUg jaly«. ADHIH18TBATOR'N \OTIUTHE UXDERSIGSED hxring heen tlulr «ppointe<i Administntor of the Est»te of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae. Hana. M»ni. | <We«sed. would herewith gire aolioe to »11 persons h»Ting acc»nui» »g»mst tbe said estate to present tbem to him, prv>perl_v sworn to. within sis months from date hereof, or they will be for»rer hanwl. Aml all penona owtng the said 9st»te are Peqaeeted to settle furthwith. M. H. KEmiK. Administr»tor of the £state of Pahia Kaloi deceased. Hana, Maui. Ju!y 7th, 1S94. jy9-lm POUND MASTER*S NOTICE. I | Notice is hereby given to all persous, that there is at the GoTernment Ponnd at Makiki, one strayed re<l mare, bran<i indisoribable on tbe right hin<l leg. taxl hare heen shorten and feet &re shod. | Any person or petsous owned this mare are requested to oome and take the ( same on or before the day of aale, 12 o'elook noon SATURDAY, JULY 21th. 1S‘H •)AMES KUKONA, Poaml Mister. Makiki, Jaly 9th. IS!M. 1-w dly |N THE cracurr tX>URT, FIRST CIR- < cnit of the Uawaiian Islands. In the matter of.EKNESTINE GRAV, of Honolnln, Oahn, Tolantary b.\nknpt. Upon reading and tiling the petttion of said Ernestine Gray alleging that more than six months have elapsed since she was a<Ijndged bankrupt, and prayiug for a discharge from all her <iebts, it ia orden>'.l that FRIDAY, the 13th day o{ Jnly, 18W, at lOo'eloek a.m. of said day. in the Courtroom of said Conrt, in AliioLmi Hale, Honolnln, be and the snmo is hereby appointed for bearing said apphcation, at whieh iime an<l plaee all cre<htors who have proved their claims against said bankrnpt may appear and show eanae, if any they have, why the pruyer of said bankrupt shou!d not be granted. By the Conrt: GEO. LUCAS, Clerk. Honolnln, Jnne 26, 1894. 3t—eow CHOCS KOOK, Merchant Tailor, No. 4S Nuuanu St., Honolulu. A fine assortment of Ameniean, Kngli-h aod Scotch elollie on hand. <>ood work and » Fir»t rla*» flt cnar»nteed. Clothes CTe»ned aud Repsired. Wing Si n? CHan, NO. 320 NUUANU STREET, HONOLULU f 2v£exciD.a>rLt T , ailor A fine assortment of American, Eng!ish and Scotch CIoth? on hand good work and a F1HST CLASS fit gunraDteed Clothescaecidn <fc repaired Jj71di NIortgafre’.s otice o Xntention to D\orclo.S' and of Sale. In aeoonlanoe with the prori«on» Uin l»ortgage, made by KAAIAK A of Pueopaku, H,Jo, Hawaii. to E. G. cock,dated Angn« 1«. 1^90, Liber I X on 2.06 »n<l 258 »c Msigned (o Kini KAHAeholu. dated ( record«d in Liber 126 .,n pa Nouoe is bereby glven th»t the m< intends lo lonelone the M m« f«r eoi broken to writ nonpayment of pr aad mtereat aotice u Ukew»e gir e »fter tbe eip,ration of thrre weeka fr onto of this noliee, the pr>pertr tx> by aaid mortgnge wiil be »<lremaed f »t pnhiie «neūon at Hik» Conrt Ho Satnrday the U d»y of Jnly. 183noon c€ said A»y. Fnrther panieala» oan be had of ] M. Koahon aUorney at law. H* 1 ». Jan« 19*h, 189«. Tctb» Ca»h. Deeds »: the exw pnrcfaaaer. r K1X1 KANAEHOL n by aaid The wndirul«l intrwt m tho ]»: enbed m Boyai P»tenl Nnmber lfl <Wnbcd in dwc Kelnkelekahi to 4th Febroary, A. D 1«0. reowrV>d ia Li n pagw iO mad 41,