Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 159, 10 Iulai 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

JtoTVM. Tn jj& T. O. «o* ij!> WING WO TAI & CO., No. i< \‘r. i!*rSTttiT. Ho>o».u.r. H. L. Commis/on Merchants, —I*TV>KTKK.' *M> DS.\1XK» IN — 6eneral Merchandise. Pin« ManiU C«*rN, Chin«« »nd J»pan«!W Crvx krrrw»rr, M»UiDf». VkHN ol aii kiiKi». C»mptK>rwood Tn>nk». IUttao Chairs. A Fim' A‘'Ort:nrtit of Dn->. Cboi«e<t Braod» <*f Chine*e aaJ Japanese Tea* of Lat<*«( lmportation« Impeeiion »/ AVc Goods rr*f*tt/mUf «.’W. jnly«. A nn 1XINTK4TO R*S XOTlCE. THE L’N*DERSIC.S'ED having be«n <lnly appoint«t) Administr»tor ol th«? Es;ate of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae, Hana. Mani, deceased. wonld bere«ith gire notice to all pers<>ns haring acconnts against the said estats to present them to him, proper!y awom to. withiu sii months (rom date hereof, or they will be forerer harred. And all pen»ous owmg the said estate are reqnested to settle forthwith. M. H. REtTER, Administrator of the Estate of Pahia Kaloi decease<I. Haua. Maui, July 7th, 1S94. jy9-lm POtND MASTER*S NOTICE. Notice is heroby giren to »11 persous. that there is at the Govemment Ponnd at Makiki, one strayed rod maro, brand indiscribable on the right himl leg, t.ūl hare been shorteu and feet are shod. Any person or persons owned this mare are re<jneste<l to eome an<l take the same on or before the day of sale, 12 o’eloek noon SATURDAY, JULY -Mth. IS!H J AMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, Jnly 9th, 1S1H. 1-w dly |N THE CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST CIRi cnit of the Hawanan Isbtnds. In tbe matter of £RNESTINEQRAY, o( Honolulu. Oahn, voluntary b.inknpt. Upon readrng and tiling tbe petition of said £mestiue Gray alleging that moro than six months hare elapsed since she was adjudged hankrapt, and praying for a discharge from all her debts, it is ordered tlut FRIDAY, the 13th day of Jnly, 1S94, at lOo’oloek a.m. of sai<l <lay, in theConrtroom of s»id Conrt, in Aliiohm Hale, Honolnln, l>e and the same is herohy appointed for hearing said apphcation. at whieh time and plaee all creditorH who have proved tbeir claims against said bankrupt may appenr and show cause, if any they have, wby the prayer of said bankrapt sbould not be granted. By the Conrt: GEO. LUCAS, Clerk. Honolnln. June26, 1894. ,1t—eow CHOCK I^OOK, XIer«iiant T4iiloi% No. 4S Nuuanu St., Honoluln. A finc assortment of Ameiiean, EnelUh and Scotch cIoths on hand. Uood work and a First-cUs» tit gaarautred. Clothes Cleaned aud Repaired. eiian» NO. 320 NUUANU STRF.ET, HONOLULU jMIexc-'b.a.rLt Ta.ilor A fine a9?ortm€iit of American, English and Scotch Cloths on haud go< d work and a FlHST CLASS fit gusranteed Clotheseaec!dn & repaired jy7lm Mortgar;e\s Xotice of Intention. to Jforclose and of Sale. In aeoonlanee wīth the prorisions of oerUin Mortgage, made by KAAIAKALA (k) of l’ueopaku, Hilo, Hawau, to E. O. Hiteheoek, dated Aagust 16. 1890, rooonied m Iiber 136 on pages 256 aad 258 »nd dulr as«giied to Kini Kanaeholo. dated Oc«ober 9. 1891, reoorded in Liber 126 on pwg» 257. No;ice w hereby given that tbe mortgagv intends ;o forec!oae ihe same for oondition broken to wnt; nonpaymeut ot pnueipal and intereet notice w likewia* given that after the expiration of three weeka from the dnte of this aotioe, the propertv eonveye<i by said mortgag« will be advertwe<i for ankat pnhhe anelāon at Hib Court House on S»tnrd*y tbe 14 day of Jnly, 1«M. at 12 noon o i snid <*ay. FurlheT particniar<c»n be had of Kinaer M. Koahou attoraey at iaw. Daled. Hilo, Jnn« 19th, 1894. T«u» C*ah. Deeds at the expense of pnrchaeer. KINI KANAEHOLO. jn»pr«me, «rered by s«d mortg^ The undivtded intrest m the l«»«d de*cribed in Eoyal Patent Number 1028 aad deaoibed in deed trom Keiakelekani u> Kaaikah made 4th da rof Fcbraary t A. D. 1890, reoord*d ia Ub*r 127 n pagM 40 aod 41.