Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 159, 10 July 1894 — The Korean Trouble. [ARTICLE]

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The Korean Trouble.

The Japane.se GoTernment applie<l to the Nippon Yusen Kaisha' on tbe 4th inst., for tbe use of { teu of tbe Companys sfaip$ as freight aud troop-ships in connection with the Korean tronb!es. A meeting of the Directors took plaee on the 5th, aiul it was rcsolved that the Omi Maru, Yama*hiro A/aru, Uyogo Mani, Kumamoio Maru, Wiafai- . noura Maru, Kchigo Maru, Sumi«oye Man i, Sakala J faru, and Sendai Maru shonId be placad at the Government’s disposal. Telegraphic information has bcen giren to the Captains of the aboT« steaaers to proceed to Shimonoseki immediately, and then to rende*-Tous at Ujina.