Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 159, 10 July 1894 — His Own Catamaran. [ARTICLE]

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His Own Catamaran.

The United States has served notice on Mr. Dole of Honolulu, that he must expect no aid nor comfort from this country, and will not be permitted to accept any from any other country. Henceforth he must paddle his own catamaran. This is doleful news for Dole, who most of all things fears reliance on his own resources. Now if the people of Hawaii and their friends who believe in the common rights of man take a notion to administer to Dole a dose of his own medicine he will have to take it. His government has plundered the country, emptied the treasury, paralyzed trade and made lying a fine art. It has wallowed in corruption and iniquity, and when overtaken by judgement it will take rank with the autocracy of the late Mr. Balmeceda of Chili, who obligingly committed suicide and saved the hangman some trouble.—Wave