Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 159, 10 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hop-Beer Depot N MUIUAL ĪELEPHONE 314. Storeroom, Bethel • Hall PRICE ; -?l per Dozen Quarts “ 50 Cts. “ Pints DISCOUNT to the TRADE M. BREHAM, GENERAL AGEM Known as the Sofl Soap Man; aIso. deal*>r in Gener 1 līawaiian and Foreign Froduct-« All kinda of S>»ap. a a!ty at Cheap rates. Highe$t cash j>rice j>aid f>r Tal!ow
OCEAXIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOCAL LINE, S. S. AUSTRALIA. 7 Arrive Honolnlu Leave Honolulu from S, F, ror 8, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 . Mar. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 28. May 19; May. 26. June 16 Juue 23. Throuefli Line* From San Fran. for Sydney. Arrive Honolulu Alameda. i Marij»osa Monowai Alameda. Mariposa Monowai I Alameda. | Mariposa Monowai . Mar 15 . Ai»r 12 May 10 June 7 ,Jnly 5 Aog 2 Aug 30 Sep 27 ,Oct 25 From Sydney for San Francisco. Leave Honolulu. j Manposa Monowai Alameda. . Mahpoau ? Monowai Alameda. Mariposa M>*nowai Alameda .Mar 8 . Apr 5 May 3 Ma’y 31 .June 28 Jnly 26 . Aug 23 .Sept 20 .Oct 18 |H. MAY & Co., |Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98|Fort Street. Honolulu Families, Plantations and supplied with choicest European & A merican GrocerUs Caiifornia Prodnce by ETeiy SWuner.
LOST. A FOX TEinilEK B1TCH ; answering to tlie name of i ‘Patch.” A rewartl will be paid i for her recovery at tho Anchot iSaloon, coruer of Nuuanu uud : King streets. WM. DAVIES. Ri2r£cer, Steveclore am> AVrecker. ESTIMATES AXD CONTRACTS 05 ALL EINDs OF W0BK. Inquire at 0tSce of J. Walker, over Spreckels’ Bauk or Wright Bros Fort Street.l C.T. AKANA īailoi* 1 324 Nuuanu Street R|ercfjatit A.11 Suits Guaranteed To Fit aml in the Latest SU'le. Clothes Cleane<l and Repaired. no!7 F. GERTZ. 1IAS RE-0PKNKD HIS Boot & Sboe Store, JOpposite tne CIub St»ble on i* Fort Street. and wiil be glad tc , see his old friends. . may7-tf. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resorl has been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is mo better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcarr pass ihe door even* half houranc on Satnrdays and Sundays «ven nfteen minntes. 0. J SHERWOOD Proprietor.