Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 159, 10 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUGE CARTWRICHT l>usiue,v; of » Fidnciai7 N»tv.re Tr?ns*cted. Prompt attentioc given to the of EsUtes, Gnardiauships, Trnsta. etc.. etc., etc. Ojnce*, : CA."tvrrigkt BuiliUng. Merchant Street. Honolnln H. LOSE, 2*s otarv 1-hihlie. CoIlector and Genernl Business Agent. Paienlee of Lose’s Ohemioal Compou\p for Clarif\uing Cane Jmce. Sub-Ageni /or several of ffte Best FIRE L\SURANCE COS. MntnaJ ’l'eiepnon» a. P. O. Bos 336. i!erchaut street. Houolnln. “FAT BOY.” 8ALŪŪN I P. McINERNV, Fhopkietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. CoHNER Bethel and Hotel Sts. LEWIS & eo. Wholesale and Retail Gro A>'D PEOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 6an Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmon in Babrels a Specialty. iii Fort S/., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P O. Box 297. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA,” Another Invoice of the Worlcl Renowned FREOERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On draaght and by tbe keg. Also, as a Speoialty, Small Fresh Cal/fornia 0YSTERS, FOK COCKTAILS mavl 3ms CALIFORNIA "Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block, JOBBERS OF WINE8, and SPIRITS A£erchant Exchange Comer King ana Nnnann Stzeet>. S. L SHAW....M*nager. The Fineet *electk>u of LIQCOBS and B£EB, aold «nywbere in tbe to*a. First-cla.se stt«ndaaoe. C*U snd jedgs foi yoozseU. no I13-tL