Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 159, 10 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Born. In Honoluln, on the Sth of Jnly, to the wife of T. R. Mossman, a danghter. Mandolin Musicale i I I f I i GIVEN BY Mr. SAMiL ADELSTE1N SoIo Mandolinist and Luteist at the Hawaiian Opera House, Even’g,JnIi}17 ASSISTED BY Miss Kate McGrew, Soprano and Violin Mrs. W. I. Warriner. Contralto Mr. Will. H. Hoogs, Tenor Miss Nettie Burhaus. I’iano Miss M. Paty, VloIin Mr. Geo. Paris, Flute Mr. Wray Taylor, Cello Box plan at L. J. Levy: Regular prices. jy9tod Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 36 M'l’ANU STREET Dealers in Ladies ? Gents’ Boots and Shoes made to order. P O Box 267 jy9 TjlE HIŪ-OUEApI POOL and 5ILLĪAH0 PARLOKS H. JUEN Proprietor Hotel 3treet near Nuuanu. jy« \ J1EW the h w’n Messen?ep Service L. M. Johnsox, Manager Xutaal Tel 5» Bell Tel 5» OFFICE In SiASOMC BUILDISG We are prepared to tmbh nnifonned meiat aU hour». Promptne«» aod *ati»factioo £naranteed. You rinj u* ap and we will do lbe restHonrly rate* 40 cent». For di»tance rate» *ec Mt-jiencer» Map. jv5 3m For Sale! Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX &nd CHESTER. Apply to SEABORX LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy 5th. London. June 14. Lord Cbief J ustice Coleridge is deacL Lord Coleridge was uaeouaeiooa for a few boors before his deatb. His death was painleaa. Hi* soa Bernard will succeed him in tbe peerage. ,