Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — Prof. Adelstein's Mandolin Musicale. [ARTICLE]

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Prof. Adelstein's Mandolin Musicale.

I Tbe progrnmmo of Prof. Adelstein’s mandolin musicule given at the Opera Honse on Tuesday eveuing the 17th inst., will eon- | tain so many new numbers, and i the names of the artistic talent who will assist him a great treat 1 is in store for onr musicul people. j i The programme is repiete with i musical selections new to our muaieal people, Mrs. W. J. Warriner will sing a song aeeompanied by the lute, this will be one j 1 of the gems of the evening. j Prof. Adelstein will perform | several mando1in solo and will perform two lute solo, Schubert’s I Serenade and Musso's tlegia two beautiful selections. Miss ! Kate McGrew will sing the charming Aria—accompanied by ' i Mr. John T. McGrew — Mou couer | ! _ s’onrie a ton roix from Samson et I Delilah by Masseret. Miss Nettie Burbans will perform selectious from Weber and Mendelsohn, Mr. W. H. Hoogs will sing tbe tenor solo from Maritana I “Let me like a so!dier fall.” An- , ■ other exquisite selection will be ( an instrumental trio “Rose di Maggo” for mandolin. violin and piano. The concort will be witbout any question oneof tbe finest ever given in Honoluln, and tbe j Opera House wiil be crowded to i the utmost.