Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — The Way They Rush. [ARTICLE]

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The Way They Rush.

The Advertiser iā feeiing happy J because tbe "people” rush into Ihe judge’s ofl5ce and take the | oath to the new republic. So fur the “s\vearing” haa been verv s!im, especia ly araong the Hawa- , iians.Only twenty two Hawaiians ! have taken the oath to date.They eau be classified as fo!lows: 2 lawyers (Barenaba ifc Aehi.) | 1 sa!vation preacher. 1 father-iu-Iaw to a poliee eap- 1 tain. 1 Parson. 2 Non-descripts. 15 government oflicials. Mr. Dole’s republic seeras to . |bo established without blessing j and withont swearing.