Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — CHEAP HONORS. [ARTICLE]

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The AdiYrtinfr states that Mr. j A. F. Jndd has received the hon- j orary degree of L. L. D. from the Yale college. We have never t.aken mneh stock in the fixes” to a man’s name when conterred bv anv American iusti- S tution. In raost European couutries the use of such prefixes are simply forbidden if emanating from Americ*. Every gospel sh«rp, tooth-puIler, massager, : orgau-grinder, etc. etc. ia a ! “doctor” in America, bnt of coursc, Yale has been heretofore eonsidered above the eommon ■ run. The conferring, though. j of a degree of Do«tor of Laws to ' Mr. Judd »hows tbat Yale follows j in the footsteps of the Philadel- ; phia title factories. The uni- j | versity sbould state when and 1 where the new L. L. D. ever pro1 red himself a prominent jurist, a ' grent lawyer, or an eminenl | judge. .