Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — FULLY RECOGNIZED, INDEED? [ARTICLE]

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The p g A<lveriiser is trying to keep np the failing vim of its followers by pretemling to an oracular inspiration on International law: *‘It is uttorly fatuous to talk about u de jure government existing in this couutry whieh is not the actual government. From the standpoint of internatiouat law, there is but one goverument hero. whieh is both defnclo and de jnre.” We ouee knew a man who, used to get otf a Munchausen story so well and so often,that he thought he had a rightto believe it himse1f. The political three-card scribes of the p. g. are only ‘ utterly fataous” in their pretended belief. that they ean instruct the people in their own way. The public whieh laugbed at Carter lecturing Judge Ooolie, oau only be amused at the selfassertion of Hennerv.