Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hop-Beer Depot [* MUĪI'AL T l.KI’ilONE JH. Storeroom, Bethel*Hal! PRICE : $1 per Dozon Quarts “ 50 Cts. “ Pints DISCOUNT to the TRADE ]NT. BRE!HAM, Known as the Soft Soap Man; also. Dealer iu i . Hawaiian Products.

H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Hoasters ANI) Provision Merchants 9S|Fort Stre«t, - Honolulu Families, Plantations and Ships supplied wilh choicest European &Ameriean Groceries Califomia Produce by Eyery Stoomer.

LOs r r. A FOX TEiailER BITCH answering to tlio name of '‘Patch." A reward will he paid for her recovery at the Anehoi Saloon, corner of Nuuann and King streets. WM. DAVIES, Stevedoro axd "\Wecker. ESTIXATEB AND CONTEACT3 0X ALL KIXPS OF WOKK. Inquire at OlHee of J. 6. Walker, over Spreckels’ Bank or Wright Bro« Fort Street.| dec 16-»f C. T. AKANA R]BPc5ai]t īailoi" 324 Nuuanu Street AJ1 Suits Cxiiaranteecl To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clotbes Cleaned and Bepaired. nol7 F. GERTZ. HAS HE-OPKNKI) HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Opposite the Clnb Stable on Fort Street. and will be glad to see his old friends. may7-tf. Long Branch BATHING Establishment, This First-cla»s Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is nov open to the pnblic. It U the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is mo better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door erery balf hour and on Satnrdays and Snndays everj fifteen minntes. e. J SHERWOOD Proprietor.