Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T[lE MID-OCEA|I PŪOL and BILLIAED PARLOKS H. JCEN’ Proprietor Hotel Stre«t near Nuuauu. Mutval Tel. 366. P. O. Box 158. WING WO TAI & CO., N'o. Nol'anw St*ket. Hokolllo, H. I., Commision Merchants, —Importek-i asd Df.\leks rs— General Merchandise. Fine Manila C isrars, Chinese aml Japanese Crockery ware, Mattings, Vase- ot all kinds, Camphorwood Trunks, Rattan Cbalrs. A Fine Assortment of Dtess Silks, Choieest Brands of Chinese and Japanese Teas of Latest lmportations Insp«(tion qf Xne Good» retpeet/ulijf »olit(d . jnlyf>. \ NEW DEfApi(E the Haw’ū .\lesseD?er Semte 0 L. M. J OHN30N, Manager Mulual Tcl 599 Bell Tel 559 OFFICE in MASONIC BUILDING Wc are prepared to fiirnL«h nni f ormed me*sen<rers al all honrs. Promptness and satisfaetion iruaranteed. ; You ring us up and we will do the rest. Hourly rates +0 cents. For distance rates 1 see Messengers Map. jy5 3m For Sale! Tsvo fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORN LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy ōth. ix the ciKcrrr court, first cirII cnit of the Hawaiian Is!ands. In the matter ofERXEST!XEGRAY, of Honolnln, Oahn, Toluntary banknpt. Upon reading and tiling the petition of said Ernestine 1 Gray alleging that more than s ; x months h«Te elapsed since she was adjndged bank.1 rupt, and praying for a discharge from ali her debts, it is ordered that FRIDAY, the 13th d«y of Jnly, 1894, at lOo’eloek a.m. of ! said day, in the Conrtroom of said Conrt, in AliioUni Hale, Honolnln, be and the same ; is hereby appointed for hearing said apph1 cation, at «hieh time and plaew all creditors who haTe prored their ciaims against said ' bankrnpt may «ppear and ahow can.se, if «ny j they have, why tbe prayer of said bankrnpt sbon!d not be granted. By the Coort; GEO. LUCAS, CIerk. Honoinln, Jnne26, 189*. 3t—eow AXortgage's of Intention to iforelos© and of Sale. In «eeonlanee with the pnrrtdons of cer1 tam kīortgage, made by KAAIAKAI. K (k) of Pneopako, Hilo, Hawaii, to E. G. Hitcheoek. d«ted Angnst 16. 1890, recorded in Liber 126 on pages 256 and 2SS and dulr assicned to Kini Kanaeholo, dated Oetober 9, 1891, recorded in L»ber 126 on page 257. Xotioe is hereby giTen that the mortgag« ioteuda to forvclose tbe same for eomhliou broken to writ: noopayment of pnneipal and interest nouee ia likewiae giren th*t | «fter tbe expir*tion of three week* trom the d*te of this notiee, the propertr ounveyed by a*id mcrtg*ge will be *drertiaed for a*ie *t pnliie *nction *t Hilo Conzt Hooae on Satnrday the 14 d*y of July, 1894, at 12 noon of s*id >*ay. Fnrther pamenlan ean be h*d of Kinsey M. Koahon attorney at i*w. D*ted, HOo, Jnne 18vh, 1891. Terms Deeda *t the erpense of porch*aer. KIX1 KAXAFHOLO. The prenuses ooeered by s»id mortgage consīsts of. The oodmded mtw»t in the land described ia Boy*l P*tent Xnmber 1038 isd more panienaule de»eribed in deed lrom 60 KaaiWi* made 4lh d* yof Fehraary, A. D. 1990, weorfcd in L&v 127 n pag«a 40 and 41.