Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 Iulai 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A 1>JI 1>ISTK 4TOR*8 XOTI('E. j THE UXDERSIGNED having been dnly appointed Administrator of the Estate of I PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae. Hana, Mani, i deceased, would herewith give nolioe to all persous having acconnts against the said estate to present them to him, properly sworn to, wilhiu six months from date i hereof, or they will be forever barred. And | all persons owmg the said estato are requestcd to settle foithwith. M. H. REUTEK, Administrator of the Estate of Pahia i Kaloi deceased. Haua, Maui, Jnly 7th, 1891. jy9-lm POUND MASTER' NOTICE. S Notice is hereby given to all persous, that there is at the Goverument Pound at Makiki, one strayed red mare, brand indiscribable on the right hind leg, tail have been shorten and feet are shod. Any pers*m or persous owned this mare are reqnested to eome and take the same nn or before the day of sale. 12 o’eloek noou SATURDAY, JULY 21th, 1894. JAMES KUKONA, Pound Master. Makiki, July 9th, 1894. 1-w dly Mandoiin Musicale GIVEN BY Mr. SAMUEL ADELSTE1N Solo Mandolinist and Luteist at the Hawaiian Opera House, EV8n’g,Jnii}17 r A?8I5TED BY i Miss K’ale McGrew, Soprano and Yiolin 1 Mrs. W. I. Warriner. Contralto ■ Mr. Will. H. Hoogs, Tenor 1 Miss Nettie Burhans. Piano Miss M. Paty, Violin Mr.'Geo. Paris, Flute Mr. Wray Taylor, Cello Bos plan at L. J. Levy; Regular prices. jy9tōd Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 36 NUUANU STREET Doalers in Ladies ! «fc Genta’ Boots and Shoes «iade to order. ) P O Box 367 jy9 CHOCK L.OOK,| Merchant Tailor, N<>. 48 Nuuanu St., Honolulu. A Sne assortia«nt of Amene&n, Emrtl-h aad Scotcb clolhs on h»ni Good work and s Kir»t-cl*s» ht jrn»rauteed. Clothe« CIeaned aod HepaimL Wlig Slis Oliii NO. S30 NUUANU STREET. HONOLULU 3^Cerc3a.ant Taōlox IA fine «ssonment of Amenean. English »nd Sootch Ciotbs on hand good work u»d a F1RST CLASS fit gnaranteed Ciotheseaecldn <fc rep*lred jjTlm