Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Billy Cunningham barely escaped a serioas injary last Satarday. He and some friends were practising at the shooting gallery. While Canningbam was sbooting, making a ball’s eye, the bullet rebounded, striking him in the face right under the eye. Besides a sma11 scratah the “Ani chorite” doesn’t feel any etfect of | the accident.
London. Jone '26. In the Old Bailey today the Grand Jary tbrew ont the bill !or manslaogbter fonnd against Geueral John Hewston of California by the Coroner s Jury, June 5th, on tbe charge of having caosed the death of George Burtoo, a street musician, May 29th, by poking the point of au nmbrella into his eye. Edinbnrgh, June 27. At a meeting of the Midlothian Liberal Association tonight it was definitely announced that Mr. GlaJstone woold not again staod for election to tho House of Commons. Sir Thomas Gibson Carmiehael will socceed Mr Gladstone in Midlotbiau.