Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

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The Advertiser vrho catohes a persons eye osually wins a castooier. Msay ditferent styles : of ailvertising have beon adopt<?d and witb more or less snccess, by the believers in the nse of pripters ink. The mannfactnrers of Pears Sosp, for instance, t>ccasion ally bny paintings that have been on exhibition in tbe Pari’s Salon and bave lithographs mado from tbem for the purpose of bringing tbeir prodnct before the people. In addition to snch side issues. hundreds tbousamls of dollats annnally among the newspapers and magj azines. Some years ago tbe Agenis of certain article on sale in New York made a bit in advertising by , having on Broadway during business hours two fatluessly drcssed Negroes wearing very high collars, ion tho backs of whieh was printed “Use Smitbs Pills.’’ The idea was uovel and the puhlie | cangbt on. Bising Sun Stove Polish has been kopt before the , puhlie for years througb persisi tent, and sometimes expeu.-ivo | advertising. Twouty o«.ld yoars ago the raannfacturers of this ; polish started balf a dozen men ' acrossthe oruiment to paint signs jon rock» and fences. The Aermotor Co., of Cbicago have increased its sales raore than five bundred per cent in two years by j the use of printers ink. M’e i boheve we have l>een instruraental iu increasing the sales of the Aemotor by keepiugeverlastingly at it in Mawaii. We do not wish to say that adl vertLsing will sell any manufactured article; there is no use spending money in advertising I “eheap and nasty” goo<ls because the i>eople will uot be hoodwinked. If Haviland China was not the superior article it is. all our advertising of it would not have sold the thousands of pieces that we bave. We simply eall I the attention of tho people to it ' and its superior quality is apparent to the customer directly a i pieee of it is examinod. Printers ink has helped the sale of tbe James Locked Fence but 1 it would not have dones so if it had been asfiirasy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy tbere is in bniiding it recommends j it to the nlantation managor and then its durability clinches the the sale If the stays and washerscost as mueh as an ordinarv ; redwood post onr sales of th’e material wonld not have reached i snch enormons proportions. Onr average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is abont two a day tho : year round. If was not the j best iron stove on tbe market wo would not sell that many m six 1 months. Advertising is tfae tip ! to tbe publ:c the good points in i thearticle sells it jost as the good qualities of the Fischer Steel Kanpe make it a desirable article for j»eople who wish to economi.se ! in the nse of fuoI. Me bny on!v what has proven good after people in the United ! States or Enrope have given it a trial; we profit by their experince 1 if the articies are goood wo bny ; and sell tbem; if they are poor we steer clear of them. When 1 we »dvertise an article it is to attract attention to it; the news- ; paper ’s the bntton we posh, the salesman does tbe rest. Persistent advertising coupled j w ith the article being a snperior one h*s sold tboosands of the Frank Walcot Emory File. If it had been no better tban an ordinarv scythe stone we probably wonlJ not have sold twenty. When a man finds oat that hia table knives xnay be kepisbarp at »11 times at an expense of ūfty cents and a very little elhow grease he is qoite' wiiling to try the expenment. Tle Haiaita Bariwsre Ce. 307 Fort Street