Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 157, 7 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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i Where is the promi*ed boom? Mr. Stackable has eucceeded Mr.' B«rnej Orden«teia aa clerk to the ' Road Board. The Hawaiie md Creacenta this| afternoon. Wxll the Hawaiia get' rattled again and lose the game? j Th« bald-heads in town have' ■ formed a “serpentine club." The paes word is “Ugh.” i W. H. Crossraan. a well-known merchant of San Francisco died in New York I»st montb. Are the streets of Honolulo jet paved with gold as promieed by j the “republicans?” Band Concert this afternoon at Emma 3quare, uaual time, usual Professor and oaual airs. The office of appraiser at the Cn«tom House has finally been filled by the appointment of C. J. | Fishel. Tho fire alarm was sonnded shortly afternoon. A small blaze on Panehhowl \vas the cause. • Nothing of importanco. The rantch race between the; Philadelphia bargo crew and the loeal crews will not eomo otl at present. Shares in the Inter island Steamship Navigation were sold by J. Morgan today at 136 and 138. Mr. Carl Willing, formerly of, the government nnrsery, is now managing a pine apple ranch noar Peurl City. Very few people have so far taken tho oath to the Mr. Dole’s ropublic. Hawaiians won tdo it, and the foreigners don’t want to loso thoir citizenship “at home.” : — It is stnted that shares in Ewa planialion were sold at J5 t«xlay at pnvate sale. The Castle, Cooke ring think the high price is the result of Mr. Dole’s republic. Oouwain Atkinson and his crew were looking all afternoon for a challcnge from the “Philadelphia" boys. It will eome in due time; and *‘Jack’’ wiil have his hands full. Castle & Cooke and other firms bave “hauled down” the Stars and Stripes. and are now displaying the Hawaiiau flag—the flag they have endeavored to drag in ‘tbe dirt. It is rumored tbat Honolulu will shortly have another bank-; ing firm. If conducted on anything except the usual pawn-, broker principles the conntry,. and tbe eoneem will both be vastlv benefitted. i I St. Aadrew’s Cathedral was entereil yesterday afternoon by a bold burglar. Tbe invader emptied tbe container of tbe 1 eommuuion wine, but disturbed nothing else. There is a elew to the ideudity, and wbereabouts of the impudent fellow. I I Ewa plantatioD has given its Japanese laborers a holiday today. Numeroos sports and other entertainments have been provid- ; 1 ed for. The Naiiooal band is in | attendance. and qaite a nmnber . of people took advantage of trains ( and went dovn to Oahu’a “big” p!antation. '